Facing Your Fears
March 25th, 2025 - June 10th, 2025 (12 weeks)
Registration closes February 14th

Tuesdays from 4-5:30 pm
Fee $1800
What is Facing Your Fears?
Facing Your Fears (FYF) is a group intervention program for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or anxiety who need assistance managing anxiety symptoms that interfere with daily life. FYF uses a cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) approach for the reduction of anxiety symptoms and management of worries and phobias.
Why is this useful?
- FYF addresses specific fears and worries that interfere with daily life at home and school
- Regular parent involvement for part of each session ensures progress and support for participants
- Teaches children important skills for managing fears and worries
Who can participate?
Children and youth ages 7-14 and their caregivers can participate in FYF. Children should have intellectual functioning within the average range, read at a Grade 2 level, and have an anxiety or ASD diagnosis.
An intake interview will be scheduled prior to the program to ensure suitability of participants and to review expectations.
Services provided by a clinical team of a Psychologist and Registered Behaviour Analyst (RBA).